Keeping your chimney in good repair and functioning properly is-let's face it-a dirty job. Whether you're looking for a chimney sweep to clean your chimney or a chimney repair expert to fix it, Actual Chimney Specialists is your top choice in Troy and Albany, NY. We provide services such as chimney cleaning, chimney building, chimney liner installation, chimney caps, chimney dampers and everything else relating to your chimneys.
When dealing with chimney repairs, especially on older homes, it's important to make sure you get the right person for the job. By relying on the experience and passion of owner Tim Smith, there's no question that our team at Actual Chimney Specialists will be able to provide the highest quality chimney repair service and deliver premium results at an affordable price.
Take a good look at the mortar joints. If you see damage between the chimney masonry, these need to be repaired quickly. If these joints fail, chimney damage can happen lot faster than expected. It is important to call a chimney repair professional serving Troy and Albany, NY as soon as possible to come evaluate your chimney damage situation.
Rust can be a tell-tale sign that there is too much moisture accumulating in your chimney. If you notice that your damper is not opening correctly or is difficult to close, you will want to call a professional soon. Excessive moisture can cause flue tiles to crack, which can lead to excessive heat build-up. If this is not attended to it could result in a potential house fire.
A damaged or cracked chimney crown can also allow moisture into the chimney which, as mentioned above, can cause shelling and spalling. Making sure that your first line of defense-your chimney crown-is intact is extremely important. This does require a trip to the roof, so make sure that all safety measures are used - or call the professionals in Troy and Albany, NY, Actual Chimney Specialist!