Let Our Chimney Builder Strengthen the Structure of Your Chimney

Let Our Chimney Builder Strengthen the Structure of Your Chimney

Turn to Actual Chimney Specialists of Troy and Albany, NY

Run your fingers over your chimney's mortar. Is it crumbling beneath your fingers? You need to schedule tuck-pointing services with the professionals at Actual Chimney Specialists. We'll remove your chimney's old mortar and fill in the spaces with new mortar.

Our wealth of experience allows us to perform the difficult, detailed tuck-pointing process with ease. We are skilled chimney builders in Averill Park, Troy, Albany, NY, and the surrounding areas who can also build chimneys at new and existing homes. Talk to us about your tuck-pointing and chimney building needs today.

The importance of tuck-pointing

Why is tuck-pointing important for your chimney? Check out these benefits. Chimney tuck-pointing:

  • Reinforces your chimney.
  • Seals your chimney from moisture.
  • Creates a more attractive look.

Don't let your chimney fall apart because of loose mortar. Call us right away for top-quality tuck-pointing services in the areas surrounding Troy and Albany, NY.